BREAKING NEWS: Three Men Stabbed In North OC Early Friday Post from Ocean City Police Department overnight and more details have been learned since. In the area of 130th Street, three men were stabbed — one in the stomach, another in the neck and the third in the back. The suspect has reportedly been apprehended. More information will be reported on this incident.
UPDATE 8:50 A.M.: Two Suspects Are In Custody
Trash is everywhere. No matter where you are, the scum walks among us and outside our door. Pack your weapon people. Don’t let guarded politicians tell you how to survive.
Very sad….lock’em up LEO’s and judges!
just saw Hogan and Rickie putting an umbrella in the sand (pic opp) with some LEOs. Rickie had a light gray polo on and no beer in hand!
You continue to amaze us Rickie!
Wonder what race they are
You know…..
Not this time, Cupcake, They were surprisingly white.
Influenced by the bad elements in the world. Compromise pup…compromise and move along. Stats show there will be many more opportunities to guess correctly.
Gun control is working!
We need to ban all silverware
Also Alicia Silverstone and Sarah Silverman
(snicker snicker!)
Time to ban Knives in Ocean City, Ricky
“Systemic” for sure.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, the lovely family vacation spot. Might as well go to Chicago or Baltimore.
O.C being Ruined by Riff Raff !!!! Kick their asses OUT !!!!! Call the Rednecks to take care of it !!!!!