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People unemployed, few applying for jobs: The dichotomy local businesses are facing to hire workers

Landing a job may be easier than landing a plane in this job market. At the Norfolk International Airport, Christina Poole was hoping to get on board.

“I’m hopeful. I don’t know how good of a shot that I have,” Poole said. “I have been to other job fairs; it’s really important to meet the people that might be hiring you.”

She was one of several at the airport’s job fair where tenants from airlines to shops set up tables to hire potential recruits.

Those who are unemployed are now being urged – even pushed – to find work. Right now, changes to unemployment benefits are being considered by President Joe Biden’s administration, including unemployment benefits being eliminated to people who turn down jobs offered to them.

Though airport tenants may be struggling in hiring, businesses outside in Hampton Roads are also feeling the struggle. Virginia Beach-based candy company Forbes Candies is also facing hardships in hiring.

“I could use some to staff a whole other shift,” Marty Cochran, the President of Forbes Candies, said. “That’s how much demand we have right now.”


10 thoughts on “People unemployed, few applying for jobs: The dichotomy local businesses are facing to hire workers”

  1. Govt Stealing people’s Unemployment $$$ & Stimulus $$$$ WON’T solve the problem !!!!

    Not their fault for the shortage on people for jobs !!!

  2. People who won’t work for you in normal times shure as hell won’t work for you when you piss them off
    by stopping their Unemployment & Stimulus benefits they are Entitled to until Sept 2021 !!!!!

    They will Work somewhere else or for themselves , But NOT for you crybabies !!!!

  3. I guess you all missed the article that stated that those empty jobs, pay less than they did pre-covid.

    Then there is Ocean City, who did this to themselves, using the J1 students, because “locals won’t work for the pittance we pay the J1 students”

    How about those poor servers whom have been working more hours for less pay because all our restaurants were at half capacity.

    The best one was when idiot Biden did a presser stating “bring your people back part time!” Whooorah! Everyone wants to work part time for low wages and no benefits! Sign me up!

    Then you have mega corporations like Walmart, – who by the way have been posting record profits the last few years, – have 2 cashiers open while forcing you to ring up and bag your own groceries so they can cut their labor costs. (by the way they have billions in theft per year)

    I have over 20 years experience in my field.
    In a recent interview, – I was advised “this is an entry level position” (no mention in the ad.) – which is code word for we pay crap @ a 1/3 of what I was previously making.

    Your fake news lie is – people are applying for the jobs. The jobs don’t pay a livable wage. But you believe what you want and let me know how that’s working out for you when you can’t find a good hire.

    Oh and . . . people previously making $36 an hour aren’t going to work for $12.

    1. OC weather this weekend. Rain and 60 degrees Sat and Sun. Packed house cant hit the beach so what can they do? Eat and drink at locations without help. Or drive coastal highway and drink. Will be interesting watching this sh*tshow.

  4. Especially in gossipy Smallsbury, where the joke is – there is no such thing as a bad employer, only bad employees.

    I have experienced and been witness to the most outrageous and inappropriate back room reference checks on prospective employees.

    An organization downtown I interviewed with reached out to my current employer and told him I applied for a job. Thanks Ch***** for screwing me over.

    A decade ago I did a phone interview with a non profit here to which at the end of the call she revealed she was “good friends with my boss”. Of course her next call was to him without permission nor offering me the job.

    A company I worked for ran an ad, and we choose a few candidates, to which my employer called a friend who called a friend and gave the gal a bad reference. – with the caveat being ” you didn’t hear this from me”. . . . . (then keep your mouth shut)

    Then there was the time someone had their resume on indeed, but had not applied for the job and my employer thought it was appropriate to call her boss and inquire about her.

    Welcome to Smallsbury, the joke of the eastern shore, where they are missing out on some stellar employees due to the gossip and pettiness of some unbelievably ignorant people.

    Shitty pay working for shitty people.

  5. There are whole industries still not running full capacity or even marginally recovered.
    Venue’s running conferences, weddings, parties are still not up and running.

    Ignorant to lump everyone together because the minimum wage low income part time no benefits employers workers are not flocking back to their enslavement.

    All of this was political game and you noobs still don’t realize this? If you are gainfully employed and do not own a business what the heck do you care if someone is getting a lousy $300 on top of their $200 pittance of unemployment

    1. I am waiting for the wave of foreclosures and evictions. I give it 60 days after they pull the plug on this fake narrative.

  6. Crybabie’s Job problems NOT our Problem for those of us on Unemployment & Stimulus !!!!

    How would you like it if we Take Your fkkking $$$$ away from you , then YOU have No Business !!!!!!

    Our $$$$ & how we get it is OUR fkkking business & NOT any of Yours , so Mind Your Own Business !!!!!

  7. Those who were making between min wage and $15 an hour benefit the most.
    Anyone who was making more than that are pulling in less.
    Most people fail to factor in the 17% in taxes that need to come out of that for fed and state.

    Its embarrassing to watch millionaires whine that people are tired of working for crap pay.
    All those clueless talking heads.

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