On the tiny, nondescript island of Changbiao, in the Fujian province, the China National Nuclear Corporation is building two mysterious nuclear reactors that are drawing plenty of international attention—and concern.
The reactors, which are scheduled to power up in 2023 and 2026, are both a type called China Fast Reactor 600 (CFR-600). This kind of reactor is a “breeder,” meaning its nuclear reaction generates more fuel than it uses. And that’s what has scientists from around the world scratching their heads, according to a new report from Al Jazeera.
The goal with most nuclear power plants is to use as much of their fuel up as possible—not make more. That’s especially true when the reactor produces plutonium, which is easy to turn into nuclear weapons.
Breeder reactors fell out of favor quite early in the history of nuclear power plants; today, countries like the U.S., the U.K., and Germany have long since abandoned their breeder development programs.
That’s not the case in China.
You know the trash is serious. They’ve already doused us wit the Woo Hoo Virus. Take them out. Flatten the structure s to nothing but remains. Do away with China and we can go about our merry way. You say there would be innocent casualties? All Americans that are no longer with us were innocent.
They already have Plenty of them No doubt !!!!! Nothing New
I am certain sippy cup Biden will send Hunter to take care of it. I am surprised he hasn’t given Hunter some kind of title or position in the cabinet or House of Demonuts . Sippy is the Wizard of Oz he can make anything happen after Jill gives him another injection he can take another nappy.
One in Congress One in White House !!!! Nuclear !!!!