Even liberal media is admitting the coronavirus may have come from a Chinese lab
One of the first questions rational people asked, and there are some rational people still out there, after the coronavirus arrived in the United States last year was simple: where did this disease come from?
Finding out was more than a matter of simple curiosity. It was an urgent public health imperative. If you want to prevent the next disaster, you have to determine how the current one happened. That’s why we have an NTSB. If we didn’t investigate plane crashes very carefully, planes would keep crashing, and you would never fly. So as this virus spread around the world, the rest of us waited for some credible public health authority — the CDC, the WHO, anyone — to come forward with details on where it came from. But no one ever did come forward.
Instead, they told us what was, in retrospect, a completely ridiculous story. They said a seafood market in central China was, for reasons that no one ever explained, selling exotic mammals like pangolins, which somehow became a vector for infection. So the Chinese eat weird food; that’s why the world is sick. That’s what they told us. In China, they knew that wasn’t true. They knew it very early. On February 6, 2020, right at the very beginning, scientists from the South China University of Technology uploaded a paper on the origins of the coronavirus onto the internet. They had a very different view of what happened.