Dozens of people gathered in an Eastern Shore city on Saturday for the unveiling of a memorial honoring three young Black men who were lynched by white mobs in a Maryland county decades ago.
The “Silent No More” event in Salisbury paid tribute to Garfield King, Matthew Williams and an unknown man who also was lynched in Wicomico County.
The Salisbury Daily Times reports that people marched through the streets of downtown Salisbury for the unveiling of the memorial plaque and speeches by local leaders and relatives of the lynching victims. The memorial is in front of a courthouse where King and Williams were killed.
The event’s sponsors included the Salisbury Lynching Memorial Task Force. A task force member, James Yamakawa, said the memorial “won’t change what happened” but issues a ”challenge to tell the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it is.”
“Not just the truth about who we were, but the truth about who we still are,” he added. “And if we can tell the truth, then maybe together we can figure out where we’re going.”
task force what are they going to arrest someone. James Yamakawa is one of the most racist people around
That was so far back in time , it has Nothing to do with TODAY !!!!! Drop the Racist rant from Democrats !!!
Only Dozens of people? The Left has to keep rehashing Old Racist acts from the past. Their idea that today’s whites are racist are false so they have to dredge up the past. Maybe they should put up a monument for all the Asians that are beaten on a daily basis by blacks.
This is total BS, take down history and what really matters and put this up. Just like the painting on the wall on the corner of Church St. And Rt. 13, really? No white people ever founded this townor ever accomplished anything in life? Yeah, right. Talk about dividing society, you’re doing a good job of it, Salisbury. My opinion and the way I see it which I’m, so far, entitled to.
What a total waste of money. Seems to me people are always to keep something stirred up. They don’t want people to get along because that is not their agenda.
Summary – a handful of people honored 2 murderers who were lynched and someone that “may have been killed” – we don’t really know anything – not even a name. Seems like a fail to me – just how much time did you put into the project when you don’t even know who the person is?
“relatives of the lynching victims.” – it happened 128 years ago no one alive knows these people.
The event was so popular, “dozens” showed up. That’s code for in a county with over 100K only friends of the promoter and the obligatory politician showed up.
Doesn’t seem like this was about the victims . Feels more like this was about someone wanting to pat themselves on the back and bring attention to their dismal existence, with the illusion that they accomplished something.
Maybe now we can move on to the next project of a memorial plaque for the first gay person in wicomico county that was bullied in highschool. Did they form a committee for that yet?
With all the problems in this city we waste taxpayer money on this nonsense, that changes / accomplishes nothing.
When these Democrat racist pushers walked away from this removal of those plagues these three people were erased from “HISTORY” forever never to tell a story. How do you learn from past if it is all gone????? Seems to me Democrats want to make up their own history. WHAT A JOKE ON SALISBURY MARYLAND!!!!!
what are you babbling?
no one needs a plague, to know, not to repeat the past.
should we have a plague to remember not to put cocaine in our soda anymore?
“Not just the truth about who we were, but the truth about who we still are,” Who we still are – people who do not lynch anymore. What would we do without the peddlers of fake racism dragging up a history that has long been recognized as an ugly past we are not repeating?
Jimmy’s like a batter wife that keeps returning to her abuser, and sits in help groups telling the same stories over and over as if they were a badge of honor.
NOBODY Alive today was even around BACK then & NOBODY today is Responsible !!! Get Over it
Just keep Drumming up more on the Hate Drum every week !!!! Americans Sick of it !!! Not going anywhere !!!
Alot more Whites were Lynched Back in the Day , but No mention of that !!!!
Democrats lynched blacks whites and republicans… James Yamakawa is a race agitator who has used many racial slurs over the years… he lives off his wife who is a local children’s doctor… I wouldn’t use her as long as she’s married to a Marxist racist bastard
James is about as white as you can get. Dont really see how he can stir all the turds with his little arms
Amen, 11:14!
What a great way to bring business to our community , home of many lynchings years ago. We are so proud of their action we put it on the court house lawn.
Who is this dumb ass Yankingoff dude. May have been killed? Lol Honoring a piece of trash that did kill a White man. I am offended by this crap and want it removed. How about the city policeman that was killed in the alley across street from the courthouse in 1958? How about honoring someone worthy like Officer Stevens of the Salisbury City Police?
Put the the Confederate General Henry Winder historical placard back up that was taken down! That former worthless County Executive who supported it’s removal in the first place faced his Karma! Good Riddance to this political weakness in our local leadership to allow this kind of reversed prejudice to occur!
Take down a civil war general plaque and honor 3 black criminals? WTF is wrong with this picture.
Time to get RID of the FAR LEFT Democrats !!!!! ( KKK )