A mother in Oklahoma said two of her young sons, ages 8 and 5 years old, were removed from classrooms at their respective schools in Ardmore last week for wearing shirts that read Black Lives Matter.
Jordan Herbert told The New York Times that her sons, who attend different schools in the same district, were taken out of their classes last Tuesday after officials said the shirts were political and they couldn’t wear them to school.
Herbert said her two kids had to sit in the schools’ offices for the rest of the day.
Herbert said Bentlee was told by his school’s principal at the time that he wasn’t permitted to wear the shirt and would have to turn it inside out. Herbert said Bentlee had to wear the shirt that way for the rest of the day.
“I don’t see Black Lives Matter disrupting anything,” Herbert told the Times.
So, Herbert said she sent three of her kids to school the following day in Black Lives Matter shirts.
She said the oldest son, who is 12 and is in middle school, was the only one who wasn’t punished for wearing the shirt.
The incident has already prompted pushback from the ACLU of Oklahoma, which said in a letter to district officials that the students’ choices to wear the shirts are protected by their First Amendment rights, according to the Times.
8-year-old wearing BLM shirt banned from school cafeteria and recess, Oklahoma mom says https://t.co/UfVyagKy0v pic.twitter.com/fAR06osAXB
— Jairo Rodriguez (@RealtorJairo) May 7, 2021
Good as they should have been. If someone white wore a trump shirt or confederate flag shirt they would have been expelled from school
This kind of crap is getting a little bit old! Dammit!! LIVES MATTER…..End of story…..and there is no need for a T-shirt or banner to promote it!
BLM (the organization) is pretty close to the definition of domestic terrorism!
“I don’t see black lives matter disrupting things” LOLOLOL ! Do you believe she said that!
Name the achievements of BLM. We’ll wait.
All lives matter!!!
If they cant wear American flag – they cant wear this BS
Social Services should pay mom a visit. Using her kids to provoke a situation. But that’s the mindset of those intent on shaking the money tree. Who will be first to her side, Crump or Sharpton?