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Emmanuel Acho: U.S. history is like “an autobiography, written about White people by White people”

Former NFL star and host of the video series “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man” Emmanuel Acho is out with a new book that he hopes will help today’s youth set a tone for discussions on race, culture and privilege, and learn healthy ways to express and understand those topics.

His new book, titled “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Boy,” looks to “encourage” Black and Brown children who question their identity and place in the world because of their skin color, as well as to educate “White boys and girls who might be unintentionally ignorant and racially insensitive.”

It’s an education that Acho believes most kids won’t get in traditional school classes.

“You have to understand the interpretations of history, as we grew up, may be from only one vantage point,” he said.

As a 12-year-old, Acho says he was called an “Oreo” by other kids — “Black on the outside, White on the inside.”

“I was going through an identity crisis as a youth. I thought I was Black. I looked Black. But all my White counterparts, the majority of them, were telling me I’m Black, but I’m not Black Black.

He also discussed the concept of “privilege,” which Acho acknowledged is a volatile term.

“Privilege is not saying that — White privilege, if you will — is not saying your life hasn’t been hard. It is just saying your skin color hasn’t contributed to the difficulty of your life,” he said.


Emmanuel Acho Replacing Chris Harrison "Bachelor" Special

10 thoughts on “Emmanuel Acho: U.S. history is like “an autobiography, written about White people by White people””

  1. So he hung out with white people and made something of his life. He could of hung on the block with his peeps and he would have been a thug punk.

  2. Well he is right you are either a american who is black or a racist cheap miser who does not see all the breaks their race was afforded but still failed to achieve the american dream, was all because whitey held him down and still does BS… That’s right hard work sweat moral character Get you a lot further then street thugs

  3. Bob Aswell.....Realist

    To start with, my guess is Acho did NOT pen this so-called book. What it is , is an indoctrination tool for another black who got lucky bouncing a damn ball, made a few bucks, and all of a sudden waxed philosophical under the racial flag to try to convert white folks to the black pity cause.
    A new tactic by whoever has their hand up his ass. I had the occasion to hear him converse in his native street jargon on a TV after game show, and if he wrote like he talked, Dick and Jane at the farm would be a Randomhouse Publishing literary composition compared to him.
    What a dolt. My conclusion is the ONLY word he’s capable of defining is ‘hike’! I wonder what mail order school he got his ‘by volume and weight’ sham degree. If he could even buy a legitimate degree from an accredited college it would amaze me. If he could ‘earn one’ then I could be the proof writer for the Supreme Court.
    Wake up folks, we’re headed for the biggest armageddon in history.
    The white children won’t have enough on the ball to cash one of these frequent government welfare checks after someone else signs their endorsement because they can’t write. How damn far are you as a voter going to let this wholesale ‘dumbing down’ of this Country go? There has to be SOMEBODY with something on the ball to run this Country and it damn sure it’s NOT a character like bro’ Acho.

  4. Funny how everyone wants to escape black and brown countries to go to a white one lol … White people are the smartest most logical people on the planet

  5. Don’t care what Rich Black Ball players have to say , with their Racist Remarks !!! Don’t EVER wine to me !!!!
    You are so Ungrateful & deserve None of the Riches you got from MY country & our White People !!!!

  6. Too many Blacks in the ball player Games getting Rich off of the Whites Who go to the games , who they Hate !!!

    Discrimination against Whites because way too Many Blacks & Only few Whites get the jobs to play & get Rich !

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