The rising cost of fuel could be the least of motorist’s worries in the coming months.
While drivers nationwide are concerned about the rising prices for both gasoline and diesel, the trade group for the country’s fuel transporters is predicting Americans could see more than high prices at the pump in the summer months.
According to CNN Business, who cited the National Tank Truck Carriers, a fuel shortage could affect millions of Americans as vacation season begins, and there are few strategies that could be taken to get ahead of what could be a summer catastrophe.
NTTC executive vice president Ryan Streblow told CNN Business in an interview published on Tuesday that a shortage of qualified drivers could lead to empty gas pumps in some areas of the country.
When biden “won” the election, one of my predictions was $5 dollar gas by the end of the year….I may have been wrong…it will be by end of summer….
the Globalists like O’Biden are trying another method of locking us down
That’s not all you will experience after allowing a old senile thief’s handlers steal the nations high office.
Just another example of how the leftist are taking your freedom
Oh for shits sake. This is bullshit. There’s no shortage. This dumb m-fer is going to ruin us.
Well the shortage of drivers is true. Many left last year AND that new rule also hit the books last April about alcohol/drug related instances – losing many others. The training for gas tanker drivers is much longer than regular CDLs.
Yet, the timing is according to script. Normally AAA is first out saying everyone will be traveling, more gas usage, blah blah blah. AAA’s TV appearances should start in about 2 weeks leading into Memorial Day.
We also should be about a week away when all of a sudden there will be a shortage of crabs (HA) for memorial day.
Same script, different year. And yeah, that damn guy has been out in Assawoman Bay since mid March with huge amount of traps, pissing me off just cuz. (Actually good for him and his helpers…just have those traps up before season starts! HAHAHA. Good guy too – I just like razzin him cuz he keeps up to date all all things Delmarva…..via DELMARVAs leader in news: SBYNEWS!!!)
Gas, summer, who the hell will be able to afford it
Another BIG LIE !!!! Funny when Trump was in , there was PLENTY OF GAS & OIL & we did Not need OPEC
or ANYONE else & Prices were DROPPING by the week !!!!
So there is a shortage of teachers, truck drivers and police officers yet there are millions of people out of work with college degrees. Degrees that are nonsense therefore there are no jobs ready for them. Maybe it’s time to rethink things a bit. Hold people accountable for their actions and not just shake your finger at them when they do wrong. You might be able to get more teachers and officers. As far as truck drivers go there are so many restrictions people don’t want to deal with it anymore. I guess all the regulations are so that terrorist can’t run a truck into something. Here is a hint. They don’t need a license to steal a truck and do damage. You are hurting the working people with all these regulations yet don’t feel the same way when it comes to voting!
Gas shortage in the 70’s was Also a LIE !!!!!! All to get the Price UP , like today 50 years later !!!! Still got Gas
You mean a gas shortage like the one in the early 70s? Yeah right!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL
Well there must have been Plenty of gas & oil in the 70’s when there still is Plenty today , Proves it was a Lie !!!!
Oil Companys & Democrats working together to RAPE Americans , Gouging them on Gas Prices !!!!!!! Again
Here is what Gas price should be > Just Flip the meter on the pump back to what it used to be by
Gal meter = the Price / & the Price Meter = the Gallons !!!!! SOLVED