A book by a Barnard College English instructor named Ben Philippe has caused a firestorm due to his depiction of a fantasy of gassing white people. The book passage has led some to demand review from the college for possible discipline or termination.
As will come as no surprise to many on this blog, I believe such writing should be protected as a matter of free speech and academic freedom. The incident does however raise another case highlighting the uncertain or conflicting treatment given such writings by universities.
Instructors ‘enjoy’ less academic freedom than tenured academics.
People like this are actually tailor made for the historical version of cancel culture since their ideas are so abhorrent. And because the mentally ill grab onto these ideas, later to be followed by the copycats. Those killed in the aftermath will be hard pressed to find justice after their demise.
Barnard would be well advised to put a light year between this kook and themselves.