“America is on the move again,” President Biden said in his first joint address to Congress Wednesday night, remarks given amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The speech came about 100 days into his presidency, and was delivered to a Capitol chamber with reduced occupancy, as a result of the pandemic.
Biden used his address to make the case for huge new investments and tax reforms to overhaul the U.S. economy.
Click on the link to see the full address and the fack checks:
Since the corrupt biden once again attacked white people, villainizing them calling white supremacy the biggest threat to America. Actual white supremacists are a marginalized movement. I believe that the long term effect of this will be the radicalizing of young, whites and that attacks on whites will escalate. Biden is continuing the racial division that the left enjoys.
The systematic racism in public and private institutions is a result of long term control by democrats.
Sure he continues it. He was in the White House when it was started by the Kenyan.
Biden is a complete joke.
And so are those that voted him in office.
More pre k and free community college. Hmmm sounds familiar.
Cha vcha cha ching!!!!!!
Yep, them were facks.
I couldn’t watch the old thief. Never watched it for eight years he was a minion for the other trash for two terms.
This speech shows and proves what I Have been saying and everybody ignores it. The Democrats are following the HITLER / NAZI MANIFESTO. They are attempting to destroy / kill off anyone who disagrees with them.
This is called GENOCIDE which the JEWS called a HOLOCOST of their race.
Empty room shows No-body supports Biden & his Fake Administration !!!! Only his ass kissers were there !!! LOL