Despite basing his campaign on the premise that he was better suited to handle the coronavirus crisis than now-former President Donald J. Trump, Joe Biden has been missing in action during the weekly COVID calls with the nation’s governors.
Neither Biden nor president-in-waiting Kamala Harris has bothered to show up for the regularly scheduled calls, a stunning detail revealed by Real Clear Politics but not nearly as stunning as who has been chosen by the administration to lead the calls.
None other than Andrew Cuomo, the scandal-plagued New York governor is running the show despite his disgraceful conduct toward women that has been graphically detailed by multiple former aides who accused the Albany strongman of making inappropriate sexual overtures to them.
There is also the matter of Cuomo’s disastrous handling of COVID including his ordering of infected patients into the state’s nursing homes where they spread the virus to the residents, resulting in over ten thousand deaths among the elderly.
Not only did Cuomo effectively issue death sentences to New York’s most vulnerable population but he also covered it up for purely political reasons.
Report: Biden Has Andrew Cuomo Lead White House COVID Calls with Governors via @BreitbartNews
— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) April 27, 2021
If you ever had any doubts about Biden’s mental capacity or cognitive abilities….
Thick as thieves.
Why not. It’s their club now.
BHAA Haaa Haaa. You just absolutely can not make this stuff up. Yet there are people who think Biden and Harris are the greatest think to have happened to our Country.
Amit that just dandy. What a bunch of fruit cakes, starting with Joey and trickle on down, way down.