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Biden May Use Sneaky Trick To Pass Amnesty Without GOP Support

Joe Biden has been a strong advocate for open borders for years, and now he’s one step closer to making his dream come true.

Instead of finding a bi-partisan solution on immigration, Biden is open to using a sneaky budget reconciliation trick to ram amnesty through without a single GOP vote.

As reported by Breitbart, “Biden told Hispanic members of Congress on Tuesday he supported the idea of moving legislation on immigration reform using budget reconciliation and a simple Democrat majority“.

To the surprise of literally nobody, Biden has been a complete disaster on the border. First, he welcomed anyone and everyone into the United States as long as they could get here. Then, when parents began sending their children to the border by themselves, Biden realized he had a problem on his hands.

Now, Biden is responsible for thousands of young children being smuggled and sexually abused by coyote’s at the border. This is what happens when you have no border policy.


6 thoughts on “Biden May Use Sneaky Trick To Pass Amnesty Without GOP Support”

  1. Folks don’t worry Lindsey Graham is on the case and he gets things done. I haven’t actually found anything he has done with the exception of getting a sitting President Trump investigated for 3 years. Russia Russia Russia

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