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Biden Sued by College Over Executive Order That Puts Males in Female Dorms, Showers

President Joe Biden is being sued by a Christian college that says his executive order on “gender identity” violates its religious freedom by forcing it to compel its students to share their dorms and showers with members of the opposite sex.

In a federal lawsuit filed Thursday in Missouri district court, the College of the Ozarks — a private, Christian college in Point Lookout, Missouri — says a directive issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development is unconstitutional and infringes on its religious rights.

Also named as defendants are Biden-appointed HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge and Assistant HUD Secretary Jeanine Worden.

At issue is a controversial January executive order titled “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation,” which HUD invoked a month later to mandate that all college housing facilities must be in compliance with the new gender rules.

This means that men who identify as women must be allowed to live in female dormitories and use communal showers in women’s bathrooms.

“Women shouldn’t be forced to share private spaces — including showers and dorm rooms — with males, and religious schools shouldn’t be punished simply because of their beliefs about marriage and biological sex.”


3 thoughts on “Biden Sued by College Over Executive Order That Puts Males in Female Dorms, Showers”

  1. And he will be shielded from this. He won’t even know it’s going on. Hell he don’t don’t shit that’s goin on, a dumbass

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