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Harris Opposes Biden Bailout Bill

WASHINGTON, DC: Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) today voted against H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.  While $1 trillion in stimulus funding remains unspent, House Democrats rammed through a new $1.9 trillion package that contained less than 9% of funds designated to combating COVID-19 through public health spending.  The debt-busting spending package was loaded with pork.

Congressman Harris issued the following statement:

“From funding the Pelosi tunnel to the Schumer bridge, the Biden bailout is nothing but a pricey liberal wish list.  If Democrats were serious about focusing on COVID-19, they would focus on spending the $1 trillion in currently unspent stimulus dollars, reopening schools, and following the science on vaccine policy.  Unfortunately, future generations will be saddled with the Biden bailout’s big price tag.”

4 thoughts on “Harris Opposes Biden Bailout Bill”

  1. The stimulus bill is simply a way to bail out poorly run states and cities that are run by incompetent officials. New York, Illinois, California, Washington (both DC and the state, Oregon. States that have competent leaders are expected to send their tax dollars to the progressive and poorly run states.
    Maryland is required by its Constitution to balance the budget. New York and others just spend as much as they want because they expect others to pay for their excessive spending.

  2. I agree with Harris. They should be made to take out anything that is not related to the Coronavirus at all and stimulus at all!!!!! Another thing I would like to know is where is all this money going they are giving to schools?? Most schools are not even open.

  3. Nothing patrotic about the patriot act either!!ALL LIES and debt to the FED..the whole house of cards collasping is there ultimate boomers very exposed to the biggest fraud that is a coming.

  4. You are going to have to start identifying which Harris you are referring to; Harris the congressman or Harris the ho.

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