Former President Donald Trump’s apprenticeship program, aimed at empowering workers and employers and cutting governmental red tape, has been cut by President Joe Biden.
The Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program, or IRAP, was rescinded by Biden earlier this month by Executive Order
“The White House is discontinuing a Trump administration workforce initiative that sought to deregulate government-funded apprenticeship programs by shifting oversight to industry groups,” Bloomberg Law reported last week.
Whereas Trump’s order directed the Labor Department to lead industry-recognized apprenticeship programs, Biden’s will “instead focus on the Labor Department’s traditional registered apprenticeships favored by organized labor—which require tougher standards for program operators—as the pathway to expand the nation’s earn-as-you-learn job-training system,” the report added.
Last month, Ivanka Trump, daughter of President Trump and former advisor, praised her father’s employment efforts, namely the IRAP.
“They” are scared to death of Trump’s greatness. Go Trump!