When a white, liberal, anti-law enforcement, anti-propriety neo-Leninist who eschews modernity tells you that all white people are racists, we should believe him, because he’s speaking specifically of his kind … and who knows their kind better than well, their kind? Which brings me to Black History Month.
For white Luciferian leftists, Black History Month isn’t about accomplishment and the embracing of modernity. It’s about a month-long jeremiad of accusations, defeatism, Kunta Kinte, white man bad, conservative white man really bad and America responsible for slavery.
These progeny of Satan are godless life forms that make a great show of being singularly aware when it comes to all things skin-color. Their pompous sagacity hides raw bigotry and unbridled contempt for Americans who refuse to view themselves as a crayon color. These leftists hate any black person not subscribing to Munchausen syndrome of slavery and white oppression.
Time for a WHITE History month !!!!!!
Time to Ban Affirmative action laws !!! They = Reverse Discrimination PERIOD