Congress is moving forward with President Joe Biden’s America Rescue Plan, which will include another round of unemployment benefits and stimulus checks.
While final details are unclear, with the bill only in the beginning stages of being drafted, $1,400 checks will almost certainly be included.
But just because you got a check last time doesn’t mean you’ll receive a check when this legislation is passed.
Each time, if you earned $75,000 per year or less ($150,000 for couples filing jointly), the IRS deposited the full amount in your bank account.
But that number may change.
A number of senators are pushing for a lower income limit, with full checks only going to Americans earning around $50,000 a year or less.
For all Losers who voted for Biden this is what YOU get!!!back to business as usual millions and trillions stolen given away to anyone but US. .we’re the ones getting screwed every day and yet the Democratic Party seems to think other countries and other causes deserve better attention. ALL LIES and you ALL bought it AGAIN!
I remember Pelosi say when Trump was in office , not to Nick-Pick & put the bill Through !!!
These Lieing Hippocrits make me sick !!!!
Play that Pelosi video back for America !!!!
You are a fool if you thought for any moment you were actually getting any money.
Pukelosi held it up for months under the guise she was screwing Trump, the whole while knowing what was in it. You were used as pawns and drank up the big pitcher of koolaid.
Just like your Mayor who knew he could not uphold his position. All he wanted was the power, he didn’t give a rats ass about the community. You are an idiot if you though he did.
Now Democrats are STALLING so they can put in the Fine Print & Pork they want !!!!!! Most people get Nothing !!!
They Lied to America about the $2,000 per person already , using $600 from the Trump Administration to
say They gave you the whole amount !!! They OWE that $600 back from THEIR $$$$$ Not counting Trump’s !!!
They can take their stimulus and stick it where the sun don’t shine. If you people really think you are getting something for nothing, you are very badly mistaken. Just remember the government never ever gives without taking. Just remember that.
You are 1000% correct
Never take anything that the government said they are giving you for always will cost you somewhere down the line
Should ALL be Tax FREE too !!!! Democrats just Lie, Cheat, & Steal !!! I don’t see ANY $$$$$ yet !!!!!!
Federal Govt & Md Govt now putting CONDITIONS on WHO gets ANY $$$$ !!!! This is WRONG & Everyone
who got the damn $$$$ before Biden got in, stealing the White House from America, should get ALL the $$$$
this time too !!!!