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Doctor admits Mask don’t work – “All Viruses can get Through”

A medical doctor’s lecture explaining face masks aren’t effective at blocking viruses has gone viral.

In the message, a member of America’s Frontline Doctors, Dr. Richard Urso, admits masks block little if any microscopic virus particles, contrary to what mainline health experts have been telling the public.

“We know what works — these don’t work against viruses. Regular masks don’t work. That’s simply what it is,” Urso explains.

“It has nothing to do with Covid. Covid doesn’t even factor into the equation, because for years we’ve been looking at these issues.”


6 thoughts on “Doctor admits Mask don’t work – “All Viruses can get Through””

  1. Doctors have said this many times over so, why do stores put on their doors, you cannot enter unless you wear a mask. So very stupid!!!!

  2. If I’m wearing my mask at the store, and someone walks by and I can smell his B.O. cigarettes and alcohol, then the mask is doing NOTHING about the .1 to .5um sized coronavirus.

  3. Another example of Democrat lies that they use to push their SOCIALIST COMMUNIST agenda, so they can take control of citizens lives and rule by DICTATORSHIP.

    Another point I have been stating from day one. Also this allows COMMUNIST take over of DEMOCRACY.

    History repeating itself. Hitler and his communist rule, Chavez in his DICTATOR rule in Venezuela and Mussolini in his DICTATOR rule in Italy

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