Changing weather has done little to stem the spike in murders in Chicago; despite near-freezing temperatures and at least one significant snowfall, the city clocked 54 homicides in January of 2021, the most in four years.
NBC Chicago reports that the Chicago Police Department announced Monday that there had been 51 homicides. The Chicago Sun-Times, which keeps unofficial homicide records, and includes homicides on the city’s freeways and “killings committed in self defense,” added three additional murders to the tally.
Carjackings are also up significantly, with nearly 200 in January alone, and carjackings are also on pace to set a record, albeit one set two decades ago, according to Chicago police.
Chicago is not alone in the uptick, “Murders in New York rocketed by 125 per cent in the first 10 days of 2021.
How’s that “defunding the police” working out for you guys….not so well, huh!
I think we should airdrop pallets of weapons of mass destruction into inner city Chitcago.
Let them fight it out.
I think they should make .obama move back.
He helped build it.
You ain’t seen nothing yet. Just wait until next year.