In accordance with Art VI of the Constitution, every sitting Supreme Court justice has taken an oath swearing that he or she will “support this Constitution.” The Constitution the justices have sworn to protect is predicated upon free and fair elections so that the government reflects the will of the People. When the justices refuse to protect election integrity, they are violating their sworn oath and putting our constitutional republic at grave risk.
I recently wrote a suggested Supreme Court opinion. It said the Court must decide “credible and significant” claims of election wrongdoing on their merits before elected officials are sworn in—-except for the President, where the Constitution provides a fallback political method of election. My article suggested what the Supreme Court should do. This article discusses their inaction and warns of the consequences if the justices continue to run and hide.
Americans paying attention to the 2020 Election must be baffled by our courts. A thousand sworn statements about election wrongdoing, bizarre 4 a.m. “vote spikes” for one candidate, hundreds of thousands of ballots driven from one state to the another, counting machines with 68% error rates, etc., etc. Such claims should at least get a day in court.
Yet so far, they can’t get a sniff. With few exceptions, no state or federal court in our country has had the courage to look at the merits of these claims. The most significant challenge to our Constitutional Republic since the first Civil War can’t get a parking ticket.
When the Supreme Court has been compromised and corrupted, as it has been,there is no branch of government left that can protect and uphold the constitution,we are screwed.
Add that on top of the slaves begging and demanding more tyranny! Try to wrap your noodle around that!
Corrupt Political Courts are DANGEROUS for our country !!!!
Courts are Political & that should be ILLEGAL !!!!
When courts Refuse to hear a case of this Magnitude , That should be ILLEGAL !!!!
They FAILED America already, now it is up to Congress on Jan 06, 2021 next week, WED !!!!
No Courts this time !!!