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What’s Going on with Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts? Even Soros Cheered Roberts at Davos

These past few weeks the dysfunction of the Supreme Court has come to a head.  The Court, led by Chief John Roberts, has removed itself from getting involved in the 2020 election. Something’s not right.

The manner in which Chief Justice Roberts runs the Supreme Court is a travesty.  It is corrupt.  He doesn’t uphold the rule of law, he breaks it.

A week ago the Supreme Court threw out the Texas case which more than 20 states joined in support.  This was the first case on the 2020 election based on its merits.  It was shocking that the three new Trump judges would not vote to hear the case.   This decision led legal legend Lin Wood to share the following tweet:


7 thoughts on “What’s Going on with Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts? Even Soros Cheered Roberts at Davos”

  1. I can tell you exactly what’s going on with the compromised roberts-he has been to pedophyle island with uncle Jeffie. His name is on one of the plane rosters. You probably won’t find that in a google search now because the truth is being eradicated. The deep state/chicoms own the child molester. Let the assassinations begin before it is too late.

  2. Ya’ll have jumped the shark so hard it’s absurd.

    This crazy Trump Cult is just mired in conspiracy and has no grounding in reality anymore.

    Ya’ll remind me of the Communist Party of early soviet days… party over and above all else. What the party says is the truth… not what actually is true. It’s scary and it’s sad.

    When everyone who disagrees with the Trump narrative is labeled as “corrupt” or “never Trumper”…. and now almost every department or person has been donned as such.. you have to wonder who it is that really has the problem.

    If everyone around you is the problem, may be it’s you that’s the problem.

    This is a slow march to fascism… and he is playing out of the fascist handbook.

    This psychotic Trump Cult has to be stopped before it destroys America.

  3. 7:48, why don’t you just move to Cuba, Venezuela or Guatemala? We don’t need you here since you don’t respect our Constitution and don’t like it. Pick your weather and buy that plane ticket! Have a nice trip! We will stay here and work to keep the USA intact.

  4. Hey “patriot” (actually-troll)-take your liberal bullshit somewhere else where there are still people stupid enough to buy it. People on here know who the problem is- it’s you and your fellow traitors. who must be stopped.

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