The 2020 election will go down as the most corrupt US election in history.
The US election was corrupted in so many ways.
Bill Binney, of US Intel fame tweeted out a message yesterday noting that more people voted in the 2020 election nation-wide than were eligible to vote.
so who`s gonna fix this mess? The courts don`t seem to want any part of fixing it which means we can look forward to rigged elections in the U.S from now on until there is no U.S. anymore.
No one will fix it. He will be sworn in and there is nothing anyone can do about. Take you $600 and be a good boy.
I’m willing to bet the only reason the 16 election wasn’t rigged is because the biased “poll” numbers leading up to the election showed Hillary with a resounding lead. They thought they didn’t have to invest in meddling. This year they seemed to flip the switch on that stance and away with the will of the people. Onward with social elitism. When they come for your guns next you will know we are full blown communist.
Yet the Liberal Media and Democraps have learned a huge lesson from OJ SImpson. With the right amount of money, and plea racism – you can accomplish anything in the US.
Welcome to the US of China.
Biden & Harris know damn well they Did NOT Win & Cheated
in the Biggest Scam Election & Coupe in American History !!!!
The TRUTH will set America FREE !!! & we ALL know Biden Cheated !!!