In the video a caller is heard requesting a bulk order of ballots to ship to the United States.
The video is just starting to make the rounds.
Here is the video with the translation.
FYI- Our Mandarin speaker confirmed the translation is accurate.
From a TGP reader: Our friend happens to be Chinese, but does not like the Chinese Communist Party. My wife showed me an intriguing video which I have enclosed. There is an English translation on the side… It is too bad that there is not a way to get a closer view of the ballot to see the candidates! Then you could detect the destination state. Hopefully you have some digital experts that solve the problem.
biden gave them a call , when he saw Trump was ahead !!! LOL GOTCHA !!!
Bulk Biden !!!! 2020
They didn’t even order from a union shop. Wake up, America!
They forgot to put the Security features in !!! GOTCHA
Threads & Ink missing !!!
Bulk order for Harris was made behind back of Biden !!! LOL