Very soon, you’ll be hearing this question: “Where are your papers?”
Well, sort of. A top travel industry association is the final stages of developing a digital passport for international travelers so they can prove they’ve been vaccinated for COVID-19.
The International Air Transport Association said Saturday that the passport could be key to saving the tourism industry.
“Testing is the first key to enable international travel without quarantine measures. The second key is the global information infrastructure needed to securely manage, share and verify test data matched with traveler identities in compliance with border control requirements,” association CEO Alexandre de Juniac, said in a statement obtained by The Hill.
For travelers who receive the vaccine – when one becomes available – proof will be linked to their official passports. While no country now requires such proof, industry experts say that’s likely coming.
I’ll quit traveling. I hope more citizens will hold on to their rights to prevent becoming a subject.
No, the slaves don’t want their rights and just even talking about yuor rights will get you demonized by these nut jobs! In fact they have nothing to offer but to demonize you for your punctuation that you us properly! And you have hope for this country? You have hope for your rights?? These are the very slaves who are begging and demanding more tyranny on them and you and I!!! But who cares now, it is far to late per SOP! And nothing can go back! And if you think it is bad now, wait for AI and digital currency soon to come! You will be tracked 100% of the time for your entire life and all of humanity for the rest of their lives! But hey, its convenient to put a card in a machine 10 times to get the “chip” to work in the slider right?
Der Hoganfuhrer will be so excited he’ll be trying cartwheels!