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Ticketmaster will require proof of COVID vaccine or negative test for customers to attend concerts

Ticketmaster will soon require customers to provide either a negative COVID-19 test result or proof that they have obtained a COVID-19 vaccination prior to attending a concert or event through the platform, according to industry reports.

The company, founded in 1976 and a pioneer in digital ticket sales, will reportedly utilize third-party reporting software to confirm a customer’s vaccinated status before they will be permitted to purchase tickets through the service.

Users will also be able to present a negative COVID-19 test, via a digital “health pass,” in order to gain access to concerts.

7 thoughts on “Ticketmaster will require proof of COVID vaccine or negative test for customers to attend concerts”

  1. So can you see where this is going right? If bidens in expect allot more of this luciferian garbage…remember

    All because some participation trophy generation and whinny spolied ingrate snowflakes think karl marx is a hero…news flash he was a low life LOSERS. He never worked A-day in his life mooched off family & friends Everything he wrote from his poetry his plays and his babblings about communism are based from the dark nightmares of his sick mind. A puss boil boy, lazy, reclusive, ughly, Smelly, unsanitary some of his children died from his lack of sanitary conditions in his home. Hated his father despised his mother once she cut off his mooching.He hung out with other losers lazy worthless bums, Communist, atheists He never knew what it meant to work a farm or any hard labor. His only real connection with a working person was his maid who, he never paid,and he knocked up then denied he fathered a child by her. His sucker pal loser freind engles said it was his kid. (What a loser) His poems, plays, manifestos are all about his hatred for GOD anything good, pure, but yet embraced satanic ideals. Born in a jewish family who converted to lutheran, died a stupid, broke old athiest fool! THATS YOUR HERO!! Russia is the biggest graveyard to his legacy..that does not include the other nations implementing twisted failure of a system.

    Here’s an example from Marx’s poem, “The Pale Maiden” (1837):

    Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited,
    I know it full well.
    My soul, once true to God,
    Is chosen for Hell.

    The Black Book of Communism, edited by Stephane Courtois details the Marxist-Leninist death toll in the 20th century. Here is the breakdown: USSR, 20 million deaths; China, 65 million; Vietnam, 1 million; North Korea and Cambodia, 2 million each; Eastern Europe, 1 million; and about 3.5 million in Latin America, Africa and Afghanistan. These figures understate those detailed by Professor R.J. Rummel in Death by Government. He finds that from 1917 until its collapse, the Soviet Union murdered or caused the death of 61 million people, mostly its own citizens. From 1949 to 1976, Communist China’s Mao Zedong regime was responsible for the death of as many as 78 million of its own citizens.

    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

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