We thought Joe Biden was the grandfather. It turns out he’s more like the godfather.
It’s the big reveal in the Hunter Biden story.
Until now, we thought Hunter, the “f—ked up addict that can’t be trusted” (in his own words) who sent not one butthree laptops full of incriminating material in for repairs – an act so stupid that even crack can’t be blamed – was the one taking advantage of his father’s position to enrich himself.
(Compounding the idiocy, despite repeated notifications, he failed to pay the $85 bill to reclaim the one salvageable laptop, so that after 90 days it became the legal property of the repair shop.)
What we learn from the laptop is that Joe (referred to as “the big guy”) was to get a 10% cut of the loot from a deal with a now defunct Chinese energy company with strong ties to the Chinese government (the email outlines an equity split including “20 for H” and “10 held by H for the big guy.” That makes “10% Joe” analogous to the Godfather, the capo dei capi, the boss due his share of the family’s enterprises.
So Biden is getting “his beak wet,” as former NYC Mayor and current Trump advisor Rudy Giuliani points out in a damning video describing the “Biden crime family’s payoff scheme.”
There’s more. Hunter tells his daughter Naomi in a 2018 text-message exchange: “I hope you all can do what I did, and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years and it has been tough. It’s really hard but don’t worry, unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”
It would take some real mental gymnastics to convince any normal person – that is, anyone not marinating in Democratic talking points – that “Pop” wasn’t referring to Joe Biden.
Peggy Noonan has it exactly right. Biden’s corruption is the normal in Washington. That is why the Washington establishment and their media and Big Tech allies must Pull out all the stops to dispense with Donald Trump before he exposes them all.
Understand me when I tell you I DON’T make a habit of defending politicians, any of them. The Bidumb Mafiosi I believe is guilty by association with the rest of his Congressional cohorts. I can recall several instances of corruption over the years whereby an embarrassment was exposed through the pay-offs by the Congressional street walkers looking for a prospective John was detected.
I’ll give Bidumb a pass THIS TIME because ALL of them accept the dough, just under different guises. It doesn’t and won’t ever stop because if you don’t think so, then why, when they’re through, even the washed up ones, they get to keep the overage of campaign money.
How do you think they go in Congress with just enough money to buy a plane ticket, and then, they leave with all the loot they can tote.
Do you think they’ll ever ban the lobbying? Remember THEY are the crew who would have to outlaw it. Ha, Fat chance.
True, Bidumb is a maniac, but when the chips are laid down by the lobbyists, they’re like a rooster eating corn, no matter how delicate the issues, or who they’ll hurt, the amount of honor the politicians display is the amount of money these miscreant ATM dispensers are willing to ‘Donate’.