A new photograph has emerged of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden posing with Hunter Biden and Kenes Rakishev, a Kazakh oligarch who reportedly worked with the former VP’s scandal-scarred son.
The snap, first published by a Kazakhstani anti-corruption website in 2019, follows last week’s bombshell Post exposés detailing Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings and a report claiming Rakishev paid the Biden scion as a go-between to broker US investments.
Oh those poor trumpolytes. Always spinning bogus claims but can never come up with real evidence. This despite having GOP control of Senate and WH, numerous GOP led investigations, and multiple opportunities to have tgeir day in court.
@12:34 You’re the one spinning … a picture is worth a thousand words…. Biden is done
And it only took 4 days for Biden to say it’s fake hahaha
Bogus claims?!? I’m not sure what you classify as “real evidence”, but this picture seems pretty straightforward to me. Along with the “real” evidence recovered from Hunter’s email accounts to completely contradict Sleepy Joe’s attempt to absolve himself from his junkie son’s overseas adventures. Who knows what kind of criminal activity they are going to discover on his newly obtained hard drive ( which coincidentally, the corrupt FBI had for over a year and failed to act on). Perhaps Joe should’ve contacted Hilary for some “technological advise”.
Ma’am, your TDS is showing badly…
12:34 You blew your entire argument when you labeled Trump supporters “trumpolytes”. Be careful your ignorance is showing.